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International Journal of Aquaculture 2012, Vol.2, No.1, 1
Table 2 Ciliata taxa in the middle and shallow areas in Noruzlo reservoir in 2008
Ciliates species groups
Class 1 Kinetofragminophora
Class 2 Oligohymenophora
Class 3 Polyhymenophora
Order 1.1 Prostomatida
Order 2.1 Hymnostomatida
Order 3.1 Heterotrichida
Eoleps hirtus
Tetrahymena pyriformis
Metopus es
Holophrya atra
Glaucoma chattoni
Stentor polymorphus
H. hexatricha
Paramecium aurelia
S. roeseli
Prorodon brachyodon
P. caudatum
Condylostoma rugosum
P. viridis
P. bursaria
Order 3.2 Oligotrichida
P. ovum
Frontonia acuminate
Halteria grandinella
Coleps tesselatus
F. elliptica
Order 1.2 Haptorida
Urosentrum turbo
S. fallax
Enchelys pupa
Order 2.2 Scuticociliatida
Strombilidium gyrans
Didinium nasutum
Pleuronema coronatum
S. velox
Paradileptus elephantinus
Cyclidium glaucoma
Tintinnidium pusillum
P. conicus
C. citrullus
Tintinnopsis cylindrata
Lacrymaria olor
Vorticella nebulifera
Order 3.3 Hypotrichida
Order 1.3 Pleurostomatida
O. pellionella
Litonotus lamella
Stylonychia mytilus
Order 1.4 Nassulida
Euplotes patella
Nassula citrea
E. eurystomus
Zosterograptus labiatus
Aspidisca costata
Protozoan abundance tended to increase with
increasing the lake productivity (Beaver and Crisman,
1990). The present study clearly showed that ciliates
abundance correlated with reservoirs productivity. The
concentration of appropriate food (bacteria, nano-
flagellates and algae) are probably the major regulator of
abundance, biomass and diversity of planktonic ciliata
(Mohsenpour Azari and Agamaliyev, 2010; Wisckowski
et al., 2001). Very high densities of ciliata in late
winter in Noruzlo dam reservoir might have been
accompanying with phytoplankton abundance. It seems
that with the death of these organisms there is greater
decomposition and consequently, a larger number of
bacteria and amount of detritus available for the
protozoa, which in turn increase in density. Similar
situation relating a large abundance of protozoa
after the death of the phytoplankton and simultaneous
bacterial growth has been previously observed in Lake
Dalnee-USSR (Sorokin and Paveljeva, 1972). The small
Cyclidium glaucoma
C. citrullus
) are typical of
lakes individuals in each sample (Beaver
and Crisman, 1990). Also omnivorous
Vorticella sp.
dominated in the middle
area of lakes in pH>7 and their importance increases
with eutrophication (James et al., 1995; Paolo and
Silvia, 2005; Mohsenpour Azary et al., 2010). The
occurrence of high density of
Paradileptus elephantinus
Eoleps hirtus
Condylostoma rugosum
Cyclidium citrullus
Pleuronema coronatum
Aspidisca costata
in the late winter showed
increasing of eutrophication in the reservoir that was
happened with increased water entrance with high
loads of nutrients resulted from sewage and
agricultural waste water at this season. The densities
of ciliata showed clearly marked seasonal changes in
Noruzlo dam reservoir. The data obtained in the
present study particularly chlorophyll-a concentration
and transparency confirmed
status of the
reservoir and were similar to that observed in other
lakes (Carlson, 1977; Wetzel, 1983).
According to the obtained data, we may conclude that
Noruzlo dam reservoir was
during the
studied period.
3 Materials and Methods
The sampling was monthly performed in four
sampling sites from January 2008 to December 2008.
Surface water samples were collected from two
sections, representing the middle (Station 1, Station 3)
and the littoral shallowest area (Station 2, Station 4).
The samples were examined for ciliates composition